
Lexington Herald-Leader FAQs


Q: How can I contact the Lexington Herald-Leader?

Visit "Contact Us" link for more information.

Q:What if I forget my password?

If you forget your password, please use Forgot Password.

Q:How do I change my password?

Login and proceed to "My Profile" and follow the instructions provided. You will be prompted for your current and your desired new password.

Q:Whom do I contact and what information do you need me to send when I discover that there is a problem with your Web site?

If you experience a problem navigating our sites, please email us at CustomerService@herald-leader.com and describe in as much detail as possible, including the steps you take leading up to it, how often it occurs, and the exact text of any error message that you receive. The information you provide will help us to find a solution more quickly.

Q:What customer services are available?

You can request the following services online:

  • Review activity on your account
  • Report a service issue
  • Suspend and restart delivery of your newspaper
  • Donate to the Newspaper in Education Program
  • Make one-time or continuous credit card or bank draft payments
  • Start a new subscription or restart an old stopped subscription


Q: If I go on vacation how would I temporarily suspend delivery of my newspaper?

Login proceed to Delivery Options > Vacation Holds to notify us of your vacation stop and restart dates. If you notify us in advance, we will suspend delivery of your newspaper while you are away. The lead-time to suspend an order varies by area. In most areas, suspensions can take effect in two days or less from the date you make the request. If you prefer, you can donate your vacation copies to students, through our Newspaper in Education program, or ask us to hold your papers for redelivery upon your return.

Q:What should I do if my newspaper does not arrive or if sections are missing?

Log in and proceed to Delivery Options > Delivery Feedback if your newspaper is missing, damaged or incomplete. Or you may call Customer Service at 800-999-8881. Your account will be credited for that day's delivery if redelivery is unavailable. Most customers can expect newspaper delivery by 6:30am Monday- Saturday and 7:30am on Sundays. If you live in Lexington and report a problem before 9:30 am on Sundays, we can send a replacement copy to you or you can receive credit.

Q:Is it necessary to call to restart my subscription after it has been temporarily suspended?

If you provide a restart date when you suspend delivery you do not need to call again to restart your delivery. However, if the restart date has changed, or was not provided when the account was suspended, you will need to speak to a customer service representative at 800-999-8881.

Q: Are there any terms and conditions to my subscription offer?

Automatic Renewal Terms: Offer available only for non-subscribers within the home delivery area. If you respond to this offer but do not qualify for introductory pricing, we reserve the right to reject your order or prorate your subscription term to reflect current subscription pricing. Offer not valid for mail delivery. For your convenience, your subscription will automatically renew after the initial term at the current rate unless you tell us to cancel. All subscriptions include applicable sales tax. Notice of rate change will be mailed or emailed to the subscriber billing/email address prior to the rate change effective date. Any past due balance may be deducted prior to the subscription start. By providing your phone number and email address, you give the Lexington Herald-Leader and its vendors permission to contact you. Payments and credits will extend your expiration date. There is a one-time activation fee of $9.99 for new starts. Digital subscriptions include kentucky.com, iPad apps, smartphone apps, mobile websites and e-Edition. Smartphone apps are not supported on all devices; does not include Kindle, or Nook edition. Digital access requires activation at http://www.kentucky.com/activate. In 2017, all subscriptions include delivery on Christmas Day. An additional $2 fee may be added to all subscriptions for this premium edition. This premium edition is not included in the subscription price and your renewal expiration may be adjusted accordingly. In 2018, all subscriptions will include delivery on Thanksgiving Day. You can cancel at any time by contacting our customer service center at 1-800-999-8881. Your subscription is subject to the Terms of Service at http://www.kentucky.com/terms-of-service.